Sunday, November 30, 2014

Scientific Grounding

The Story

I’m writing this post because just recently I have resumed sitting quietly every morning for 25 minutes.  I hadn’t done this for quite a while, and had become addicted to waking up before dawn and playing internet games on my iPod.  This left no time for morning meditation.

During the height of the Pāhoa flowing lava crises (two weeks before the national news media picked up the story) I was worried, stressed, hot, no air worth breathing, and one friend said I was spinning so much it made her dizzy to be around me.  I decided to start my morning sitting.

I do Za-zen, a type of meditation where, instead of closing your eyes and meditating on some thing or idea, you keep your eyes open but lowered, and stay present with what is.  After only one day I became happier and more centered.  I’ve written on Aspie groups before about how sitting (in my bed even) for 25 minutes in the morning helps me make the transition between sleep and waking that is often where the day’s anxiety begins, where feelings left over from dreams and yesterday intrude on the coming day.

I also knew from my Zen sesshin (retreat) sitting that the longer I spent in silence, the more I was in the right place at the right time.  A weekend lasted a day or so but a seven day one could last up to a week.
So I wasn’t surprised when what I call the magic started happening.  This is being in the right place at the right time and noticing it, and taking advantage of gifts and opportunities that present themselves.  This is what is called manifestation.  Bringing desire into reality.

And it just got better.  Each day brought new miracles and opportunities.  My life was becoming more and more what I hoped for it to be.  I started setting my alarm on days I had to go somewhere early to allow for a half hour of sitting time.  And if I still wanted to play iPod internet games I would just add that in for afterwards.  Even though I was getting up earlier, I had more energy throughout  the day.

Then I started just standing and breathing into the earth at various times during the day.  I could feel myself connecting to the solid earth and the flowing lava and calm my racing heart and emotions.

The Scientific Part

So why does it work? I knew it worked but I wanted a reason why.  I knew that if you quiet your mind your body has a chance to take over and heal you without all that mental jabber interfering.  and also that quieting the mind puts you in touch with the higher mind, or whatever you might want to call it, where information flows directly from everywhere, everything, and all times.  I only believe in this because I have experienced it.  That’s why I I took up Zen sitting because you don’t have to believe anything until you experience it.

This time, with all that lava flowing, it was easy for me to realize the morning sitting was grounding and connecting my busy Aspie mind with the earth, with here and now, with the island, with what is.

I also love electricity.   I’ve been sticking forks in electric outlets since I could crawl.  Changing light switches and electric outlets since grade school.  Now I work with DC electric for my solar system.  DC, direct current, electricity relies on a positive and negative pole.  Nothing works without both being connected.  You can pour as much energy as you want into the positive pole of a rechargeable battery or device, but nothing happens until the negative pole is connected.  Then the toy runs, the music plays, the light shines.  Energy made manifest in the world.

It’s the same with people.  One of my theories is that people on the autistic spectrum have more electricity in their bodies than most people causing the busy mind and repetitive movements that soothe by releasing excess energy.  This could be one reason meditation is so beneficial for the Aspie mind.

But it is a scientific fact that our bodies generate and conduct electricity.  The DNA molecule in each cell produces photons of light. Doctors know running controlled amounts of electric current through the body can help it to heal. Electricity powers our nerve synapses.

So there you go.  It’s simple.  To make the universal energy flowing through everywhere (remember Tesla) you need to connect both poles of your body.  And just like AAA batteries the flat part on the bottom is the negative pole and the part at the top with the little bump (laughing here) is the positive pole.  And every tradition insists on a straight spine while recharging.  I recharge my AA and AAA batteries with the free energy from the sun. I recharge my internal batteries with the infinite free energy from the universe.  Now I can play with the toy, hear the music, shine the light.

1 comment:

  1. love this! so true and easy to understand & practice...
