Thursday, August 8, 2013

On Why It Is Absolutely Necessary to Talk to Teddy Bears

to have a friend who listens patiently
          to whatever you have to say

someone who will talk to you
          whenever you are lonely
                   or just want a friend to share with
someone who loves you just the way you are

after you have talked to your teddy bear
          long enough and often enough
you will learn to talk to
Mountain Lion
and Coyote
Wild Turkey
and Red Tail Hawk
and Cutthroat Trout

maybe you will listen hard enough
          in the silence of the wild
                   to hear them talk back to you

and perhaps if you talk long enough
          to Weasel
          and Squirrel
                   you will be able to talk with

Red Cedar and
Ponderosa Pine
Mariposa Lily
and Gentian
Black Oak and
Douglas Fir

maybe you will listen hard enough
and long enough
to hear them speak of patience
unconditional love
and the fear of chain saws

when you have learned from
a blade of grass
what it is like to wave in the sun
          and die

maybe then you will be quiet enough
and listen slow enough to be able to talk to
Exfoliated Granite
Rutilated Quartz
Rolled River Rocks
and Bedrock

and if you are quiet enough and listen slow enough
you might learn from their ancient wisdom
          of patience and transformation
                   of fire and water
                             of earth and sky

and then you will respect the earth
          and all her children

So it could be.

          -Raven Joy

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